The Advantis Token contract address is:


For more information you can also navigate to the how to buy section.

Advantis Token operates on the Ethereum Blockchain.

To add Advantis token to your wallet, simply follow these steps:

  • Open your wallet application (e.g., MetaMask).
  • Navigate to the "Token" or "Assets" section.
  • Look for the option to add a custom token.
  • Enter the contract address: 0x69e37422cB87d963367F73A119C8ce9a4D529b72.
  • The wallet should automatically populate the token symbol (ADV) and decimal places (18).
  • Confirm the addition of the Advantis token.
  • Once added, you should be able to view your Advantis token balance and perform transactions using your wallet.

    The total supply is: 1T or tokens.

    Our goal is to enhance accessibility for everyone interested in acquiring Advantis tokens. As part of this objective, we are actively working on developing a bridge to connect with various chains and exchanges. By doing so, we strive to provide seamless options for individuals to purchase Advantis tokens, ensuring a user-friendly experience for all.

    Listing on exchanges is an important investment for both the company and investors. We strive to secure listings on a wide range of exchanges, aiming for maximum exposure. However, it's crucial to consider the costs associated with listings. In the current market conditions, we exercise careful financial management to safeguard the interests of investors and the company. Our approach ensures responsible allocation of resources without compromising the well-being of investors.